Austral Photoplay

The Austral Photoplay Company.

The BMI Archives (record  A13474) contain a 1919 prospectus for the formation of a company to produce films in Ballarat of Australian historic interest and entertainment.

The directors were JJ Dwyer,  Grain merchant Woomelang,  A Heather of Armadale, and A C Tinsdale of St. Kilda. The Ballarat representative was G S O’Malley 211 Dana street Ballarat. The studio was at the Comedy Theatre St.Kilda.

Among the features to be produced were:-

“Coming Home”

“Eureka Stockade”

“Memories of Anzac”

“Steel Rudd’s Biographies”

“On Our Selection”

“McClure and the Parson”

“Grandad Rudd”

“In Australia”

“Old Homestead”

It seems the company was first formed in 1913 by Tinsdale, and subscribers had the right to appear in the films. 

Scenes for “Women and Gold” were shot in Ballarat in 1917 but the film was never completed.

This 1919 prospectus included the Ballarat representative of Austral Photoplay G S O’Malley, and the four pages of this latest attempt to raise funds was printed by Tulloch and King, Printers in Ballarat.

So it seems this later 1919 prospectus was to create local Ballarat interest and funds.

Tinsdale is reported as being a bit of a scoundrel in other places where he was operating, such as Perth, where he was lambasted in 1921 by the West Australian newspaper “The Call” as a ‘liar and imposter’ and ‘they weren’t going to stand for any Tinsdale stunts here’.

From the BMI archives, Mr. Batten and the BMI had various transactions with Tinsdale :-

17-04-1917 Letter in, Proposal to rent the Hall for Pictures – 2 performances daily.

21-04-1917 letter in, Hall bookings with details of pictures to be shown.

27-04-1917 letter out, Confirming application of 17th inst. to lease Mechanics’ Hall for term of 4 weeks, accepted by committee and a tenancy agreement is being prepared.

30-04-1917 letter out, Acknowledging receipt of letter card.   BMI committee granted lease of Hall for one month commencing 16th June without option of renewal.   Any further lease you would have to accept any existing bookings.

11-05-1917 letter out, Enclosing for acceptance tenancy agreement respecting lease of Hall.  Please remit first week’s rent together with deposit of 5 pounds to retain option.   Have returned cheque to Meesrs Kelsall and Silva at their request.

15-05-1917 letter in, advising that Agreement signed and deposit paid by Mr. Kelsall and notifying that Mr. E. B. Cremer will superintend installation of plant.  Copy of Agreement with suggested amendments

16-05-1917 letter out, Will place agreement before committee for authority to affix seal of the Institute.   Advise BMI has nothing to do with any agreement between you and Mr Kelsall.

Thankfully, there is no record of any investment by the BMI in Austral Photoplay.