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Batten.. boxed Excellent The Hellers Entertainers, Melbourne
Hall booking
Letter is pre-printed with blanks to complete.
Decorative letterhead showing photo of G.N. Heller, Proprietor.
A5261 request for November Hall booking with questionaire on reverse side. Hall booking Box No. F Documents 21 10 1909 Letters In

The Hellers Entertainers, Sensational Mystifiers, Box 548 GPO, Melbourne Theatre (Hall) VBS

5 14035

Batten.. boxed Damaged G. Callender, "The Hellers", Hall booking, entertainment Damaged but very colourful "The Hellers" letterhead sepia photos of Mr G.W. Heller and Mrs G.W. Heller. Sensational Entertainers and Wonderscope. A5305 letter says since last I saw you I have found out that a Picture Show is to open in the Coloseum and charge threepence; with such competition it does not pay us to run at present, later on I may be in a position to do business with you. We will see how the others get along. Hall booking Box No. F Documents 01 11 1909 Letters In

G. Callender, "The Hellers", Box 548, Melbourne. Theatre (Hall)

5 14035

Batten... Boxed Good Heller, Hall booking
A10735 Notifying of availability of Hall for 2 to 4 weeks on receipt of deposit. Hall booking committee rm Documents 27 05 1904 Letters Out

G. W. Heller Esq., Melbourne Theatre (Hall) HMN 4 93
5 14035

Batten... Boxed Damaged Heller, Hall, costs
A10736 Detailed costs for hiring the Hall for various lengths of time. Letters Out committee rm Documents 24 05 1904 Letters Out

G. W. Heller Esq Theatre (Hall) HMN 4 93
5 14035

Batten... Boxed Good G.W. Heller, Hall booking
A10737 Received your P.O. for 5 pounds being deposit for engagement of Hall for six nights; I am obliged to answer an application for six nights ending on the 17th inst; if the party does not confirm you can commence on the 17th if you desire. Hall booking committee rm Documents 02 06 1904 Letters Out

G.W. Heller Esq. Theatre (Hall) AC 4 94
5 14035