Histoire naturelle : generale et particulieries, avec la description du cabinet due roi | BUFFON | M. | 590 HIS | 1752 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particulieries, avec la description du cabinet due roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1758 |
Histoire naturelle | BUFFON | M. de | 590 | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. | 590 HIS | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1764 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1765 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1765 |
Histoire naturelle | BUFFON | M. de | 590 | 1766 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1766 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1766 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1766 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1767 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1768 |
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi | BUFFON | M. de | 590 HIS | 1768 |
The modern farrier | LOWSON | G. | 630 | 1853 |
The natural history of Selborne | WHITE | The Rev. Gilbert | 598 WHI | 1853? |
Cassell's natural history : the feathered tribes | | | 590 CAS | 1854 |
Animal traits & characteristics; or, sketches & anecdotes of animal life | WOOD | J.G. [Rev] | 591.5 WOO | 1855 |
Life in its lower, intermediate, and higher forms : or, manifestations of the divine wisdom in the natural history of animals | GOSSE | Philip Henry | 590 GOS | 1857 |
The smuts of Australia : their structure, life history, treatment and classification | McALPINE | D. | 630 MCA | 1858 |
Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia : being observations principally on the animal and vegetable productions of New South Wales. New Zealand, and some of the Austral islands | BENNETT | George | 590 | 1860 |
A practical treatise on the culture and treatment of the grape vine | ALLEN | J. Fisk | 631.5 ALL | 1861 |
The feathered tribes of the British Islands | MUDIE | Robert | 598.2 MUD | 1861 |
The natural history of Selborne; with observation on various parts of nature; and the naturalist's calendar. by the late Rev. Gilbert White, A.M. fellow of Oriel college , Oxford | JESSE | Edward | 590 WHI | 1861 |
The sea and its living wonders | HARTWIG | G. | 591.9 HAR | 1861 |
Studies in animal life | LEWES | George Henry | 591.5 LEW | 1862 |
The horse : its breeds, management, and diseases | YOUATT | William | 636.1 YOU | 1862 |
Our feathered families : the birds of prey. Being an anecdotal and descriptive account of the rapacious birds of Britain with a chapter on ancient and modern hawking | ADAMS | H.G. | 598 ADA | 1863 |
The animal kingdom: arranged after its organization; forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy | CUVIER | Georges | 590 CUV | 1863 |
The illustrated natural history | WOOD | J.G. | 596 WOO | 1863 |
The naturalist on the river Amazons : a record of adventure, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and indian life, and aspects of nature under the equator during eleven years of travel | BATES | Henry Walter | 591 BAT | 1863 |
The dog | YOUATT | William | 636.7 YOU | 1864 |
A year at the shore | GOSSE | Philip Henry | 591.4 GOS | 1865 |
Agriculture : ancient and modern : a historical account of its principles and practice, exemplified in their rise, progress, and development | COPLAND | Samuel | 630 COP | 1866 |
Essays on natural history : chiefly ornithology | WATERTON | Charles | 598.2073 WAT | 1866 |
Home without hands: being a description of the habitations of animals, classed according to their principle of construction | WOOD | J. G. {Rev} | 590 WOO | 1866 |
Researches into the history of the British dog, from ancient laws, charters and historical records | JESSE | George R. | 636.7 JES | 1866 |
The horse, in the stable and the field : his varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy, physiology, etc | WALSH | J.H. | 636.1 WAL | 1866 |
Physiology at the Farm in aid of Rearing and Feeding the Live Stock | SELLER | William | 636 SEL | 1867 |
The Wild Elephant | TENNENT | J. Emerson, Sir | 599 TEN | 1867 |
Ocean world : being a descriptive history of the sea and its living inhabitants | FIGUIER | Louis | 591.9 FIG | 1868 |
The bird | MICHELET | Jules | 598 MIC | 1868 |
The insect world : being a popular account of the orders of insects, together with a description of the habits and economy of some of the most interesting species | FIGUIER | Louis | 595.7 FIG | 1868 |
Eccentricities of the animal creation | TIMBS | John | 591.5 TIM | 1869 |
How crops grow : a treatise on the chemical composition, structure, and life of the plant for agricultural students | JOHNSON | Samuel | 630 HOW | 1869 |
Strong drink and tobacco smoke; the structure, growth, and uses of malt, hops, yeast, and tobacco | PRESCOTT | Henry P. | 633 PRE | 1869 |
The sea and its wonders | KIRBY | Mary | 591.9 KIR | 1871 |
Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria and Report of the annual meeting of the society, held 1st March, 1872 | The Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria | | 590 ZOO | 1872 |
Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria and Report of the annual meeting of the society, held 1st March, 1872 | The Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria | | 591.9945 ZOO | 1872 |
Animal locomotion or walking, swimming and flying: with a dissertation on aeronautics | PETTIGREW | J. Bell | 591 PET | 1874 |
Animal mechanism: a treatise on terestrial and aerial locomotion | MAREY | E.J. | 591 MAR | 1874 |
Domestic floriculture : window-gardening and floral decorations being practical directions for the propagation, culture, and arrangement of plants and flowers as domestic ornaments | BURBIDGE | F.W. | 716 BUR | 1874 |
On the origin and metamorphoses of insects | LUBBOCK | John | 595.7 LUB | 1874 |
Out of Doors: A selection of original articles on practical natural history | WOOD | J. G. (Rev.) | 590 WOO | 1874 |
The large game and history of South and South-East Africa | DRUMMOND | W.H. | 590 DRU | 1875 |
Dogs : their points, peculiarities, insights & whims | WEBB | Harry | 636.7 WEB | 1876 |
The geographical distribution of animals | WALLACE | Alfred Russel | 591 WAL | 1876 |
Animal Products: Their prepartion, commercial uses, and value | SIMMONDS | P. L. | 591.6 SIM | 1877 |
Nature's teachings: human invention anticipated by nature | WOOD | J.G. (Rev.) | 591 WOO | 1877 |
The agricultural teacher | LACOPPIDAN | H. J. G. A. | 630 | 1877 |
Episodes of insect life | DOMESTICA | Acheta | 595.7 DOM | 1879 |
The Dog | STONEHENGE | | 636.7 STO | 1879 |
The population of an old pear-tree; or, stories of insect life | BRUYSSEL | E. Van | 595 BRU | 1879 |
Dairy farming being the theory, practice and methods of dairying | SHELDON | J.P. | 630.SHE | 1880 |
Island life: or, the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras, including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates | WALLACE | Alfred Russel | 591.9 WAL | 1880 |
Our feathered families : a popular and poetical description of the birds of song and their congeners which are found in Britain | ADAMS | H.G. | 598 ADA | 1880 |
Peruvian bark: a popular account of the introduction of chinchona cultivation into British India | MARKHAM | Clements R. | 634 MAR | 1880 |
The boy's own book of natural history | WOOD | J.G. | 590 WOO | 1880 |
The crayfish: an introduction to the study of zoology | HUXLEY | T.H. | 595 HUX | 1880 |
Autumnal Leaves | HEATH | Francis George | 591 HEA | 1881 |
The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life | SEMPER | Karl | 591 SEM | 1881 |
Noah's ark; or, "Morning in the zoo." Being a contribution to the study of unnatural history | ROBINSON | Phil | 590 ROB | 1882 |
Notes and jottings from animal life | BUCKLAND | Frank | 597 BUC | 1882 |
Winners in life's race or The great backboned family | BUCKLEY | Arabella B. | 596 BUC | 1882 |
Ants, bees, and wasps : a record of observations on the habits of the social hymenoptera | LUBBOCK | John | 595.7 LUB | 1882 |
Cultural industries for Queensland : papers on the cultivation of useful plants suited to the climate of Queensland | BERNAYS | Lewis Bernays | 630 BER | 1883 |
The poets' birds | ROBINSON | Phil | 598 ROB | 1883 |
The tribes on my frontier: an Indian naturalists foreign policy | AITKINS | E.H. | 595.7 AIT | 1883 |
Vignettes from invisible life | BADCOCK | John | 595.7 BAD | 1883 |
Red deer | JEFFERIES | Richard | 599 JEF | 1884 |
Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins: being a research on primitive nervous systems | ROMANES | G.J. | 593 ROM | 1885 |
Marvels of animal life | HOLDER | Charles Frederick | 597 HOL | 1885 |
The Cat Past and Present | CHAMPFLEURY | M. | 636.8 CHA | 1885 |
Bird life in England | ARNOLD | Edwin Lester | 598 ARN | 1887 |
Living lights: a popular account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables | HOLDER | Charles Frederick | 591.3 HOL | 1887 |
Romance of the wool trade | BONWICK | James | 636.3 BON | 1887 |
Royal commission on vegetable products : fourth progress report, and continuation of the minutes of evidence : together with appendices | | | 635 ROY | 1887 |
The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals | HEILPRIN | Angelo | 591.9 | 1887 |
Zoology of Victoria | McCOY | Frederick | 590 MCC | 1887 |
A year with tbe birds | FOWLER | W. Warde | 598 FOW | 1889 |
On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals: with special reference to insects | LUBBOCK | John, Sir | 591.5 LUB | 1889 |
The colours of animals: their meaning and use Especially considered in the case of insects | POULTON | Edward Bagnall | 591 POU | 1890 |
The romance of animal life : short chapters in natural history | WOOD | J. G. | 590 WOO | 1890 |
Wild beasts and their ways | BAKER | Samuel W. | 599 BAK | 1890 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1891 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1891 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1891 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1891 |
Beast and man in India : a popular sketch of Indian animals in their relations with the people | KIPLING | John Lockwood | 590 KIP | 1891 |
The Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia and New Zealand | WALLACE | Robert | 630 WAL | 1891 |
The Speech Of Monkeys | GARNER | R.L. | 599 GAR | 1892 |
The study of animal life | THOMSON | J. Arthur | 591.5 THO | 1892 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1893 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1893 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1893 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1893 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods to be adopted to check and extirpate them | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1893 |
Irrigated India : an Australian view of India and Ceylon their irrigation and agriculture | DEAKIN | Alfred | 630.954 DEA | 1893 |
Irrigated India; an Australian view of India and Ceylon their irrigation and agriculture | DEAKIN | Alfred | 631.587 DEA | 1893 |
The book of the horse | SIDNEY | S. | 636 SID | 1893 |
The flower garden in Australia | BOLDREWOOD | Mrs. Rolf | 716 BOL | 1893 |
Victorian butterflies: and how to collect them | ANDERSON | Ernest | 595 AND | 1893 |
Milk, Cheese, and Butter | OLIVER | John | 637 OLI | 1894 |
A sketch of the natural history of Australia : with some notes on sport | AFLALO | Frederick G. | 590 AFL | 1896 |
Love's meinie : three lectures on Greek and English birds | RUSKIN | John | 598 RUS | 1897 |
Wild animals in captivity : being an account of the habits, food, management and treatment of the beasts and birds at the 'Zoo' | BARTLETT | A. D. | 590 BAR | 1898 |
A key to the birds of Australia and Tasmania with their geographical distribution in Australia | HALL | Robert | 598 HAL | 1899 |
More Pot-Pourri from a Surrey Garden | EARLE | Mrs C.W. | 630 EAR | 1899 |
Beeton's book of home pets | | | 630 BEE | 1900 |
The Log of the sun. A chronicle of Nature's year | BEEBE | Edward | 598.2 BEE | 1900 |
In nature's workshop | ALLEN | Grant | 590 ALL | 1901 |
Australian horses from paddock to park | MCGILLIVRAY | D. | 636 MCG | 1902 |
Irrigation in the United States | NEWELL | Frederick Haynes | 631 NEW | 1902 |
A third pot-pourri | EARLE | C. W. (Mrs) | 630.1 EAR | 1903 |
Economies In Dairy Farming | MATHEWS | Ernest | 637 MAT | 1903 |
One thousand and one animal anecdotes: with instances of animal intelligence, anecdotes of strange friendships, animal amenities and antipathies, stories of dogs, cats, lions, tigers, and other mammals | MILES | Alfred H. | 590 MIL | 1903 |
City Development: a study of parks, gardens, and culture-institutes | GEDDES | Patrick | 711 GED | 1904 |
Creatures of the sea: being the life stories of some sea birds, beasts and fishes | BULLEN | Frank T. | 597 BUL | 1904 |
The life of the bee | MAETERLINCK | Maurice | 595.7 MAE | 1904 |
A Year in My Garden | TUCKETT | Arthur (Mrs) | 635 TUC | 1905 |
Nerves in order : or the maintenance of health | SCHOFIELD | Alfred T. | 597 SCH | 1905 |
Victoria , the year book of Agriculture for 1905 | Victorian Government - Department of Agriculture | | 630.9945 VIC | 1905 |
A book about roses : how to grow and show them | HOLE | S. Reynolds | 716 HOL | 1906 |
A Farmer's Year | HAGGARD | H. Rider | 630 HAG | 1906 |
Fishes of Australia | STEAD | David G. | 597 STE | 1906 |
Australian insects | FROGGATT | Walter W | 595.7 FRO | 1907 |
Wild life in Australia. | LE SOUEF | W. H. Dudley | 591.994 LES | 1907 |
African nature notes and reminiscences | SELOUS | Frederick Courteney | 591.5 SEL | 1908 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods of prevention and extirpation | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1909 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods of prevention and extirpation | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1909 |
The weeds, poison plants, and naturalized aliens of Victoria | EWART | Alfred J. | 632 EWA | 1909 |
Our search for a wilderness: an account of two ornithological expeditions to Venezuela and to British Guiana | BEEBE | Mary Blair | 598.2 BEE | 1910 |
The Australian gardener | BRUNNING | H.J. | 635 BRU | 1910 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria : with notes on the methods of prevention and extirpation | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1911 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods in prevention and extirpation | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1911 |
A handbook of the destructive insects of Victoria: with notes on the methods of prevention and extirpation | FRENCH | C. | 632 FRE | 1911 |
An Australian bird book : a pocket book for field use | LEACH | J.A. | 598 LEA | 1911 |
Beast and men: being Carl Hagenbeck's experiences for half a century among wild animals | HAGENBECK | Carl | 590 HAG | 1911 |
The birds of Australia | LUCAS | A.H.S. | 598 LUC | 1911 |
Principles of Australian Agriculture | GRASBY | W. Catton | 631 GRA | 1912 |
The life of the spider | FABRE | J. Henri | 595.4 FAB | 1912 |
Wild life in Australia | LE SOUEF | W.H. Dudley | 590 LES | 1912 |
The encyclopaedia of the kennel | SHAW | Vero | 636 SHA | 1913 |
The Garden City : a study in the development of a modern town | PURDOM | C.B. | 710 PUR | 1913 |
Victorian Agriculture - No. 1 | CHERRY | Thomas | 630 CHE | 1913 |
Antarctic penguins : a study of their social habits | LEVICK | G. Murray | 598 LEV | 1914 |
Luther Burbank : his methods and discoveries and their practical application. Vol. 4. Fruit Orchards. | BURBANK | Luther | 631.5 BUR | 1914 |
Luther Burbank : his methods and discoveries and their practical application. Vol. III Grafting, Budding etc. | BURBANK | Luther | 631.5 BUR | 1914 |
The life and love of the insect | FABRE | J.H. | 595.7 FAB | 1914 |
The Mason-bees | FABRE | J.H. | 595.7 FAB | 1914 |
Through the Brazilian wilderness | ROOSEVELT | Theodore | 590 ROO | 1914 |
Bitter pit investigations fourth report: the experimental results in their relation to bitter pit and a general summary of the investigation | McALPINE | D. | 632 MAC | 1915 |
Diversions of a naturalist | LANKESTER | Ray | 591 LAN | 1915 |
Stories from nature | FLETCHER | J.A. | 590 FLE | 1915 |
The animal world | GAMBLE | F.W. | 590 GAM | 1915 |
Moths of the Limberlost | PORTER | Gene Stratton- | 595 POR | 1916 |
The wonders of instinct: chapters in the psychology of insects | FABRE | J.H | 595.7 FAB | 1918 |
A naturalist on Lake Victoria: with an account of sleeping sickness and the Tse-Tse fly | CARPENTER | G.D. Hale | 595.7 CAR | 1920 |
Almost human : reminiscences from the Melbourne Zoo | WILKIE | A.A.W. | 591.5 WIL | 1920 |
Australian intense vegetable culture | CONARTY | James | 635 CON | 1920 |
Birds of our bush | LITTLEJOHNS | R.T. | 598.2 LIT | 1920 |
Birds of our bush : or photography for nature-lovers | LITTLEJOHNS | R.T. | 598 LIT | 1920 |
Potato growing in Australia | SEYMOUR | G. | 635.21 SEY | 1920 |
Soppy, the bowerbird and other nature stories : life histories of Australian birds and animals | SORENSON | Edward S. | 591.5 SOR | 1920 |
The Australasian rose book : a complete practical guide to rose growers | ELLIOTT | R.G. | 716 ELL | 1920 |
The story book of birds & beasts | FABRE | J.H. | 591.5 FAB | 1920 |
Marvels of the animal world | BERRIDGE | W. S. | 591.5 BER | 1921 |
Outlines of zoology | THOMSON | J. Arthur | 590 THO | 1921 |
Useful plants | BURBANK | Luther | 631.5 BUR | 1921 |
The rose encyclopaedia | HENSLOW | T. Geoffrey W. | 716 HEN | 1922 |
Commercial poultry raising | ROBERTS | H. Armstrong | 636 ROB | 1923 |
Great and small things | LANKESTER | Ray | 590 LAN | 1923 |
The African elephant and its hunters | LYELL | David D. | 591.5 LYE | 1924 |
Watch-Dogs : their training and management | RICHARDSON | E.H. [Lieut.-Col) | 636.7 RIC | 1924 |
Tales you won't believe | STRATTON-PORTER | Gene | 590 STR | 1925 |
The wonderland of big game : being an account of two trips through Tanganyika and Kenya | DUGMORE | A. Radclyffe [Major] | 591.5 DUG | 1925 |
Animal life in field & garden | FABRE | Jean Henri | 590 FAB | 1926 |
Preventing damage by Lyctus powder-post beetles; preventing damage by termites or white ants; termites in buildings | U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE | | 632 USD | 1926 |
The art and craft of garden making | MAWSON | Thomas H. | 710 | 1926 |
The new natural history | THOMSON | J. Arthur | 590 THO | 1926 |
The Wild Animals Of Australasia | SOEUF | A.S. Le | 599 SOE | 1926 |
Rose-growing made easy | LOCKLEY | J.G. | 716.2 LOC | 1927 |
The arcturus adventure : an account of the New York Zoological Society's first oceanographic expedition | BEEBE | William | 591.9 BEE | 1927 |
The platypus : its discovery, zoological position, form and characteristics, habits, life history, etc | BURRELL | Harry | 599 BUR | 1927 |
African jungle life | DUGMORE | A. Radclyffe | 591 DUG | 1928 |
About our dogs : the breeds and their management | SMITH | A. Croxton | 636.7 SMI | 1929 |
Birds & green places : a book of Australian nature gossip | CHISOLM | Alec H. | 598 CHI | 1929 |
Flower and vase: a monthly key to room decoration | LAMPLUGH | Anne | 716 LAM | 1929 |
In the land of the lion | KEARTON | Cherry | 591.5 KEA | 1929 |
The city of to-morrow and its planning | LE CORBUSIER | | 710.1 LEC | 1929 |
A little book of birds & beasts | TUDOR | Alice M. (Collector) | 590 TUD | 1930 |
Forests and mankind | PACK | Charles Lathrop | 634.9 PAC | 1930 |
Whaling In The Antarctic | BENNETT | A.G. | 639 BEN | 1931 |
Wilderness ways | ANNIXTER | Paul | 590 ANN | 1931 |
Down the garden path | NICHOLS | Beverley | 716 NIC | 1932 |
Nonsuch: land of water | BEEBE | William | 591.9 BEE | 1932 |
The zoo and aquarium book | BOULENGER | E.G. | 590.7 BOU | 1932 |
A thatched roof | NICHOLS | Beverley | 630.1 NIC | 1933 |
Hedge Trimmings | STREET | A.G | 630 STR | 1933 |
My garden | DAVIES | W. H. | 716 DAV | 1933 |
The charm of gardens | CALTHROP | Dion Clayton | 710 CAL | 1933 |
Town & Country Planning | ABERCROMBIE | Patrick | 711 ABE | 1933 |
A Village In a Valley | NICHOLS | Beverley | 630.1 NIC | 1934 |
Bird wonders of Australia | CHISOLM | Alec H. | 598 CHI | 1934 |
Gone Rustic | ROBERTS | Cecil | 631 ROB | 1934 |
Infants of the zoo | BOULENGER | E. G. | 590 BOU | 1934 |
Whalemen adventurers | DAKIN | William John | 639 DAK | 1934 |
Before the dawn of time | KNIGHT | Charles R. | 590 KNI | 1935 |
Garden wisdom | CRAN | Marion | 716 CRA | 1935 |
Gone afield | ROBERTS | Cecil | 630.1 ROB | 1935 |
Insect wonders of Australia | McKEOWN | Keith C. | 595.7 MCKE | 1935 |
Pilgrims of the Wild | WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN | | 599.3 ASI | 1935 |
The Adventures of Sajo and her beaver people | GREY OWL | | 599.3 GREY | 1935 |
Spider wonders of Australia | McKEOWN | Keith C. | 595.4 MCKE | 1936 |
Tales of an empty cabin | WA-SHA-QUON-ASIN (Grey Owl) | | 591.5 TAL | 1936 |
The cattle king | IDRIESS | Ion L. | 636 IDR | 1936 |
The culture of vegetables and flowers from seeds and roots | SUTTON | | 716 SUT | 1936 |
Herbal delights | LEYEL | C.F. | 633 LEY | 1937 |
I visit the Antipodes | KEARTON | Cherry | 591.5 KEA | 1937 |
Pinjarra : the building of a farm school | FAIRBRIDGE | Ruby | 630.7 FAI | 1937 |
The call of the koala | PRATT | Ambrose | 591.9 PRA | 1937 |
The desert pool: a romance of wildest Africia | CHALKLEY | Guy Aubrey | 591.5 CHA | 1937 |
The lore of the lyrebird | PRATT | Ambrose | 598 PRA | 1937 |
Water into gold | HILL | Ernestine | 631.7 HIL | 1937 |
Water into gold | HILL | Ernestine | 630.1 HIL | 1937 |
A population study of the red-legged earth mite (Halotydeus destructor) in Western Australia, with notes on associated mites and collembola; The regional and seasonal incidence of grasshopper plagues in Australia | NORRIS | K.R. | 632 AUS | 1938 |
Farmer's creed | PORTEOUS | Crichton | 630 POR | 1938 |
Forty fathoms deep | IDRIESS | Ion L | 639 IDR | 1938 |
Whose dog are you? | CHANCE | Michael | 636 CHA | 1938 |
Blubber ship | KEYES | Nial O'Malley | 639 KEY | 1939 |
Green grows the city : the story of a London garden | NICHOLS | Beverley | 716 NIC | 1939 |
Koonawarra : a naturalist's adventures in Australia | BARRETT | Charles | 590 BAR | 1939 |
Modern Poultry Management | HOWES | Herbert | 636 HOW | 1939 |
Modern Poultry Management | HOWES | Herbert | 636.5 HOW | 1939 |
Teamsman | PORTEOUS | Crichton | 630 POR | 1939 |
I Bought A Mountain | FIRBANK | Thomas | 636 FIR | 1940 |
Water into gold | HILL | Ernestine | 631.7 HIL | 1940 |
Whales and Whalers or Life in the Antarctic | McCOMBE | E.A. | 639 MCC | 1940 |
Wessex wins | STREET | A.G. | 630.1 STR | 1941 |
Australian insects: an introductory handbook | McKEOWN | Keith C. | 595.7 MCKE | 1942 |
Pacific wonderland : a book of Australia | BARRETT | Charles | 591.994 BAR | 1942 |
Return to the river : a story of the Chinook run | BROWN | Roderick L. Haig- | 597 BRO | 1942 |
The culture of vegetables and flowers from seeds and roots | SUTTON & SON | | 636 SUT | 1942 |
Glory Hill farm | REYNOLD | Clifton | 630 REY | 1943 |
Men of earth | MASSINGHAM | H.J. | 630 MAS | 1943 |
The small poultry flock. | CLINTON | H.F. | 630 | 1943 |
A little place in the country | TILTMAN | Marjorie Hessell | 630 TIL | 1944 |
An Australian bird book : a complete guide to identification of the Australian species | LEACH | J.A. | 598 LEA | 1944 |
Bush ways: a bush-lover's wanderings on plain and range in central and eastern Australia | RUSSELL | Archer | 598 RUS | 1944 |
This Plot Of Earth: a gardener's chronicle | MASSINGHAM | H.J. | 630 MAS | 1944 |
Back Of Beyond: a countryman's pre-war commonplace book | BENSUSAN | S.L. | 630.1 BEN | 1945 |
Birds of the night | HOSKING | Eric J. | 598.2 BIR | 1945 |
Of ants and men | HASKINS | Caryl P. | 595.7 HAS | 1945 |
Ploughman's folly | FAULKNER | Edward H. | 631.5 FAU | 1945 |
Round roundbarrow farm | MOULD | Edwin | 630.1 MOU | 1945 |
Speak to the earth | MITCHELL | Elyne | 631 MIT | 1945 |
The chronicles of church farm | HUTCHINGS | Monica M. | 630 HUT | 1945 |
Bird life in two deltas | YEATES | G.K. | 598 YEA | 1946 |
Harvest Adventure: on farms and sea marshes of birds old manors and men | DAY | J. Wentworth | 630.1 DAY | 1946 |
In quest of spices | HOWE | Sonia E. | 633.4 HOW | 1946 |
Journey home | PARTRIDGE | E. H. | 630.1 PAR | 1946 |
Making love to mother earth | THOMAS | H.H. | 716 THO | 1946 |
Pleasant Valley | BROMFIELD | Louis | 630.1 BRO | 1946 |
Sea shore, swamp and bush: exploring nature's mysteries | JACKSON | Ada | 597 JAC | 1946 |
Shining hours | BUZZARD | C.N. | 595.7 BUZ | 1946 |
The swallow | HOSKING | Eric | 598 HOS | 1946 |
The untutored townsman's invasion of the country | JOAD | C.E.M. | 630.1 JOA | 1946 |
We keep going | ARMSTRONG | Anthony | 716 ARM | 1946 |
A Countrymans Notebook | JOYCE | H.S. | 630.1 JOY | 1947 |
Adventures with a naturalist | BEDICHEK | Roy | 598.2 BED | 1947 |
And clouds flying: a book of wild fowl | PITMAN | Ian | 598 PIT | 1947 |
Bird display and behaviour : an introduction to the study of bird psychology | ARMSTRONG | Edward A. | 598.2 ARM | 1947 |
Down To Earth | COLLIS | John Stewart | 631 COL | 1947 |
Elephants Never Forget | WALKER | E.L. | 599 WAL | 1947 |
Lord of the Jungle "Bhurgi Bagh": The life story of a notorious tiger | CHILTON | Jamex | 599 CHI | 1947 |
Modern gardening | DAKERS | J.S. | 716 DAK | 1947 |
Our bird book | ROGERSON | Sydney | 590 ROG | 1947 |
Our forests | ROWE | W. H. | 634.9 ROW | 1947 |
Students handbook to fertilizers and soils | LOWE | L.T. | 631.1 LOW | 1947 |
The return to the farm | HENREY | Robert | 631 HEN | 1947 |
Three farms | HOMEWOOD | Robert A. | 631 HOM | 1947 |
Wild life in South Africa | HAMILTON | J. Stevenson- | 591.5 HAM | 1947 |
"Hundredfold" | HUTCHINGS | Monica | 630.1 HUT | 1948 |
Pot plant production | COPLEY | G.H. | 716 COP | 1948 |
The course of nature : through the year from the pages of the times | TIMES, The | | 574.942 TIM | 1948 |
The Dog Its Ailments and Diseases | McMICHAN | B.A. | 636.7 | 1948 |
The making of a garden | FEARON | Ethelind | 716 FEA | 1948 |
The same sky over all | SMITH | David | 630.1 SMI | 1948 |
The Way of a Dog | THOMAS | William Beach, Sir | 636 THO | 1948 |
Malabar Farm | BROMFIELD | Louis | 630.1 BRO | 1949 |
The Best of Ernest Thompson Seton | SETON | Ernest Thompson | 590 SET | 1949 |
The country heart | BATES | H.E. | 630.1 BAT | 1949 |
The Indolent Gardener | PRYOR | William Clayton | 635 PRY | 1949 |
Whalers of the Midnight Sun: a story of modern whaling in the antartic | VILLIERS | Alan | 639 VIL | 1949 |
Better roses : rose-growing for everyone | THOMAS | A.S. | 716 THO | 1950 |
Elephant Bill | WILLIAMS | J.H. | 636.9 WIL | 1950 |
Out Of The Earth | BROMFIELD | Louis | 630 BRO | 1950 |
Spotlight on animals | PINCHER | Chapman | 591.5 PIN | 1950 |
The Australian garden book : with practical hints on the culture of all the principal flowers, bulbs, shrubs, trees, fruits and vegetables | EDWARDS | Reginald George | 635 EDW | 1950 |
The spider | CROMPTON | John | 595.4 CRO | 1950 |
I bought a mountain | FIRBANK | Thomas | 636.3FIR | 1951 |
The underwater naturalist | LATIL | Pierre de | 597 LAT | 1951 |
Australian seashores | DAKIN | William J. | 590 DAK | 1952 |
The lost woods: adventures of a naturalist | TEALE | Edwin Way | 591.5 TEA | 1952 |
Unique to Australia | BEATTY | Bill | 599 BEA | 1952 |
A wanderer in the wind: the odyssey of an animal collector | WEBB | Cecil S. | 590 WEB | 1953 |
Among the gauchos | BACKHOUSE | Hugo | 636.1 BAC | 1953 |
Animal heaven | SCOBIE | Alastair | 591.5 SCO | 1953 |
The wonderful world of insects | GAUL | Albro T. | 595.7 GAU | 1953 |
A seal's world | STUART | Frank | 599 STU | 1954 |
The bafus beagles | DURRELL | Gerald | 591.96 DUR | 1954 |
The Pearl Seekers | BARTLETT | Norman | 639.4 BAR | 1954 |
Ways of the ant | CROMPTON | John | 595.7 CRO | 1954 |
Yankee Whalers In The South Seas | WHIPPLE | A.B.C. | 639.2 WHI | 1954 |
Kingdom Of The Elephant | PERKINS | E.A. Temple | 599 PER | 1955 |
The edge of the sea | CARSON | Rachel | 591.92 CAR | 1955 |
From My Experience: the pleasures and miseries of life on a farm | BROMFIELD | Louis | 630.1 BRO | 1956 |
No room for wild animals | GRZIMEK | Bernhard | 591.9 GRZ | 1956 |
Vanished continent: an Italian expedition to the Comoro islands | PROSPERI | Franco | 590.9 PRO | 1957 |
Brunning's Australian gardener : a comprehensive and practical guide to the planning and making of the home garden, together with the selection andgrowing of shrubs, flowers, vegetables and fruits | LORD | Ernest E. | 712.6 BRU | 1958 |
Encounters with animals | DURRELL | Gerald | 591.5 DUR | 1958 |
South Of Cape Horn: a story of Antarctic whaling | CRISP | J.. | 639 CRI | 1958 |
The badger | NEAL | Ernest | 599.74447 NEA | 1958 |
The Dog who Wouldn't Be | MOWAT | Farley | 636 MOW | 1958 |
A bushman's year | HYETT | Jack | 574.994 HYE | 1959 |
Big Charlie | WILLIAMS | J. H. | 591.5 WIL | 1959 |
Australian nature studies : a book of reference for those interested in nature-study | LEACH | J.A. | 574.994 LEA | 1960 |
Born free : a lioness of two worlds | ADAMSON | Joy | 599.74 ADA | 1960 |
Snake man : the story of C. J. P. Ionides | WYKES | Alan | 598 WYK | 1960 |
Living free; the story of Elsa and her cubs. | Adamson | Joy | F599.74 ADA | 1961 |
Saturday in my garden: a new revised edition | EVISON | J.R.B | 635.9 EVI | 1961 |
Forever free; Elsa's pride. | Adamson | Joy | 599.74 ADA | 1962 |
Furred animals of Australia | TROUGHTON | Ellis | 574.994 TRO | 1962 |
Animal machines; the new factory farming industry. | Harrison | Ruth | 636.08 HAR | 1964 |
Shark hunters | CROPP | Ben | 597 CRO | 1964 |
For Love of a Rose | RIDGE | Antonia | 635.9 RID | 1965 |
Are Pigs People | COX | Harry | 636 COX | 1966 |
The great extermination: a guide to Anglo-Australian cupidity wickedness & waste | MARSHALL | A.J. (Ed.) | 591 MAR | 1966 |
Australian birds | HILL | Robin | 598.2 HIL | 1967 |
Nature walkabout | SERVENTY | Vincent | 574.994 SER | 1967 |
A Fowler's World | NIALL | Ian | 598.2 NIA | 1968 |
Australian flycatchers and their allies | OFFICER | Hugh R. | F598.81 OFF | 1969 |
The camel in Australia | McKNIGHT | Tom L. | 599.736 MCK | 1969 |
Whale of a shark | CROPP | Ben | 597 CRO | 1969 |
A guide to the native mammals of Australia | RIDE | W.D.L. | 599 RID | 1970 |
Birds of New Guinea | RUTGERS | A. | 598.2 RUT | 1970 |
Fierce encounter: life and death in the Australian bush | WILLIAMSON | H.D. | 598 WIL | 1970 |
Australian honeyeaters | OFFICER | Hugh R. | F598.8 OFF | 1971 |
The vineyards of the Hunter Valley | | | 641.22099442 VIN | 1971 |
Catch me a colobus | DURRELL | Gerald | 591 DUR | 1972 |
Sea turtles | BUSTARD | Robert | 598.1 BUS | 1972 |
The book of herbs | HALL | Dorothy | 635.7 HAL | 1972 |
All about Australian bush gardens | MALONEY | Betty | 712.6 ALL | 1973 |
Forestry in Victoria | | | 634.9 FOR | 1973 |
Kay's turtles | BUSTARD | Robert | 598.1 BUS | 1973 |
Wildlife of eastern Australia | BREEDEN | Stanley | 591.994 BRE | 1973 |
A manual of Australian agriculture | MOLNAR | Imre (ed.) | 630.2 MAN | 1974 |
W.R. Guilfoyle 1840-1912 : the master of landscaping | PESCOTT | R.T.M. | 712.509 PES | 1974 |
Australian Horses Sketchbook | CLARKE | M.I. | 636 CLA | 1975 |
Australian birds | HILL | Robin | 598.2 HIL | 1976 |
African violets : their colourful kin and friends | SIMPSON | A.G.W. | 581 SIM | 1978 |
The Weekly Times Farmers' Handbook | | | 630 FAR | 1978 |
Animal days | MORRIS | Desmond | 591 MOR | 1979 |
History of British gardening | HADFIELD | Miles | 635.0941 HAD | 1979 |
Home farm : complete food self-sufficiency | ALLABY | Michael | 631 ALL | 1979 |
The complete book of the horse | | | 636.1 COM | 1979 |
Australian mammals : a field guide for New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania | HYETT | Jack | 599.09 HYE | 1980 |
Australian mammals : a field guide for New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania | HYETT | Jack | 599.09 HYE | 1980 |
Big timber country | CALDER | Mary | 634.9 CAL | 1980 |
Gardener's companion | SEARLE | Allan | 712 SEA | 1980 |
The Edna Walling book of Australian garden design | BARRETT | Margaret (ed.) | 712.6 EDN | 1980 |
After man : a zoology of the future | DIXON | Douglas | 591.09 DIX | 1981 |
Save the dolphins | DOBBS | Horace E. | 597 DOB | 1981 |
Water into gold : the taming of the mighty Murray River | HILL | Ernestine | 631.7 HIL | 1981 |
Polwarth Sheep 1880 - 1980 | DENNIS | Noel | 630 DEN | 1982 |
The Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne : a history from 1845 to 1970 | PESCOTT | R.T.M. | 580.744945 PES | 1982 |
Bill Oddie's gone birding | ODDIE | Bill | 598.07 ODD | 1983 |
Blooms of the Australian wilderness | HEARNE | Dennis | F582.13 HEA | 1984 |
Creating Your Own Period Garden | CUFFLEY | Peter | 635 CUF | 1984 |
A Gardener's Log | WALLING | Edna | 712.6 WAL | 1985 |
Colour in your garden | HOBHOUSE | Penelope | F712.69041 HOB | 1985 |
The kangaroo | WELDON | Kevin | F559.2 WEL | 1985 |
A gardener's potpourri : collected gardening wisdom from The Age | GARNETT | T. R. (ed.) | 635.994 GAR | 1986 |
A-Z Guide to Pet Health | JORDAN | W.J. | 636 JOR | 1986 |
Practical Prickle Farming: hard-won advice to small area farmers | HAYES | Mike | 630.994 HAY | 1986 |
The Australian City : Unit A Marvellous Melbourne. A Study of nineteenth-century urban growth. Reader | DEAKIN UNIVERSITY | | 711.4 AUS | 1986 |
The Australian City: Unit A Marvellous Melbourne. A Study of nineteenth-century urban growth. Study Guide | DEAKIN UNIVERSITY | | 711.4 DEA | 1986 |
What Tree is That? | MACOBOY | Stirling | 635.977 | 1986 |
The creative gardener's companion : for Australian and New Zealand gardens | DAVIES | Rosemary | 635.099 DAV | 1987 |
The new Englishwoman's garden | MILNE | Alvilde Lees | F635.90942 NEW | 1987 |
The passion of John Aspinall | MASTERS | Brian | 591 MAS | 1988 |
The scented garden | VEREY | Rosemary | F635 VER | 1988 |
The silent world | COUSTEAU | Jacques | 593 COU | 1988 |
A field guide to Australian native shrubs | HOLLIDAY | Ivan | 582.17 AUS | 1989 |
A garden lover's journal 1943-1946 | GALBRAITH | Jean | 635.0994 GAL | 1989 |
The best of the weekly times gardening: 100 years of Australian gardening | PURDY | Graeme (ed.) | 635.0994 PUR | 1989 |
Hemphill's herbs : their cultivation and usage | HEMPHILL | John | 635.7 HEM | 1990 |
Hemphill's herbs for health | HEMPHILL | John | 641.657 HEM | 1990 |
The Vanishing Continent | BEALE | Bob | 631.450994 BEA | 1990 |
Australia the beautiful; great gardens | | | 712.6 AUS | 1991 |
Flora of Melbourne | | | 591.994 FLO | 1991 |
The Centre : the natural history of Australia's desert regions | OOSTERZEE | Penny van | 508 OOS | 1991 |
Gardens for free : a propagation handbook | BRYANT | Geoff | 635 BRY | 1992 |
A plain English guide to agricultural plants | PEARSON | Craig | 581.6 AGR | 1993 |
Australia's dangerous creatures | UNDERHILL | David | F591.65 UND | 1993 |
From strength to strength | HENDERSON | Sara | 636 HEN | 1993 |
On the Coolakin : an Australian country childhood | ATKINS | Thelma M. | 630.92 ATK | 1993 |
Ecology and sustainability of southern temperature ecosystems | NORTON | T.W. (ed.) | 634.92 NOR | 1994 |
Wild pig in Australia | HOLDEN | Philip | 591.65 HOL | 1994 |
Yates guide to trees and shrubs for the home garden | GILBERT | Allen | 635.976 GIL | 1994 |
Caring for possums | SMITH | Barbara | 599.2 SMI | 1995 |
Plants for dry gardens | HARTSHORNE | Heather | 635.092 HAR | 1995 |
Some of my friends have tails | HENDERSON | Sara | 636.0092 HEN | 1995 |
Themes for herb gardens | FLETCHER | Kim | 635.7 FLE | 1996 |
In the middle of nowhere | UNDERWOOD | Terry | 636 UND | 1998 |
James Herriot : the life of a country vet | LORD | Graham | 636.089 LOR | 1998 |
The horses too are gone | KEENAN | Michael | 636.208 KEE | 1998 |
Chicken soup for the cat & dog lover's soul : celebrating pets as family with stories about cats, dogs and other critters | CANFIELD | Jack | 636 CHI | 1999 |
Attracting birds to your garden in Australia | DENGATE | John | 598.09 DEN | 2000 |
Cheerio for now: my life and thoughts | HEINZE | Kevin | 635 HEI | 2000 |
The genesis chronicles | McBRIDE | Glen | 599.938 MCB | 2000 |
The last Tasmanian tiger : the history and extinction of the Thylacine | PADDLE | Robert | 599.27 PAD | 2000 |
The real James Herriot | WIGHT | Jim | 636.089 WIG | 2000 |
Wadham : scientists for land and people | HUMPHREYS | Leonard Ross | 630.92 HUM | 2000 |
A wild life : bringing up a bush menagerie | CARTER | Mare | 636.08 CAR | 2001 |
Dog training for dummies | VOLHARD | Jack | 636.7 DOG | 2001 |
The wilderness family : at home with Africa's wildlife | KRUGER | Kobie | 639.909 KRU | 2001 |
A photographic guide to trees of Australia | GREIG | Denise | 582.16 GRE | 2002 |
Australian planting design | THOMPSON | Paul | 712.60994 THO | 2002 |
Bullo : the next generation | RANACHER | Marlee | 636.0092 RAN | 2003 |
Smarter than Jack : 91 true stories You'll see animals differently | | | 591.5 SMA | 2003 |
Fluid City : Transforming Melbourne's urban waterfront | Dovey | Kim | 711.4099 DOV | 2005 |
We bought a zoo | MEE | Benjamin | 590.734 MEE | 2008 |
Among the islands | FLANNERY | Tim | 910.92 FLA | 2011 |