BMI The Early Days

This is a open file of the minutes of the Institute from the inaugural meeting in 1859 to the annual meeting in 1863.

It shows the optimism and the hardships encountered during the formation period and the problems encountered with the later lining of the great hall ceiling and the state of the trusses, the cost and provision of firewood, the reading room opening times till 11pm, and what about the needs of the linen coverers!

The files have been transcribed by BMI members from reports in the Ballarat Times and the subsequent Star newspapers. This was a long team effort, and was only paused by the advent of Covid.

It shows the donation of books for the library by John Pascoe Fawkner, the setting up of the mineral display by Professor Abel, and the attempts to start classes in reading, arithmetic, mechanical drawing, phonography and provision for special places for lady members.

The files have been transcribed into html format so they can be read on any computer, but if you may find a need for a deeper search on this and any other file (heritage books, archives, later minutes etc.., please contact or Rosemary and I will extract them.

Here is the file, click to download